Tuesday, March 22, 2011

having fad with friend

Hey guys, belum lama ini kita bikin kegiatan iseng-iseng berhadiah loh hahaha, and eitss but do not misunderstand guys, we have a good friend her name is caca hehe we are confused what  we should do in our holidays, so we won't be bored. And you know what? haha we got a crazy idea to do something fun. kita langsung nelfon caca buat ngajak dia main dan setelah *#&u(#(&#(u#n(#*(.......................mengobrol cukup lama ditelefon, caca pun memutuskan buat main bareng kita.
setelah akhirnya kita memutuskan bahwa hari itu kita akan having fad with friend! dan rundingan memutuskan bahwa korban keisengan bermanfaat ini adalah our good friend yang tidak lain adalah CACA.
and this is it Annisa Likautsar ala chef Asima Winny Queen haha

sebelah kiri: caca saat belum di isengin makeover ala AW's Fashion
sebelah kanan: caca ketika sudah di isengi makeover ala AW's Fashion
okay guys, if you are confused about what to do on your holiday, maybe you can try our activities haha have fun guys :)  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kristen Stewart's Style


So guys, now we want to show you another fav artist who always looks fashionable, yaitu Kristen Stewart. Artis berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat yang memulai kariernya sejak tahun 2001 ini really likes to dressed in casual style. Usually, she wears t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Busana yang ia kenakan tampak simple namun tetap saja terlihat menarik because she’s clever in mixing and matching them together. Now let’s see some of her casual styles ;)


Cool, right? Selain casual, Kristen juga tampak cantik dalam balutan busana girly. Let’s see…



Di beberapa waktu pun, Kristen juga sempat changes her hair look. Di satu waktu, Kristen terlihat berambut pirang, ada yang coklat, hitam. Let’s see Kristen’s hair style


Malahan, Kristen juga meotong rambutnya menjadi pendek
Let's see..

Although she always changes her look, she always looks stylish, fresh, cool, fabulous, beautiful, and gorgeous. Wanna be like her? You may try it, guys ;)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Katy Perry's Style

Beautiful, gorgeous, hot, sexy, cool, and fabulous. Who doesn't know her? Katty Perry, an American singer, always keep her appereance of course. Mulai dari baju, sepatu, hingga make up. Seperti yag kita tahu selama ini Katy sangat menyukai tampil dengan memakai mini dress. Mulai dari pembuatan album, wawancara, hingga konser. Wanna see more about her style? Check this out guys! ;)





So guys, that's some of  katy perry's style from us. Wanna be stylish like her? Try it guys ;)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Victoria Beckham's Style

So guys now we want to show you another fashionista in the world, she is "Victoria Beckham". We really like her style. Many words that we can say about her (fabulous, unique, simple, feminime, sophisticated, and many more). Curious, isn't it? Okay let's see her style guys ;D

From all the pictures above, we can see that she really likes to wear :
* short dresses
* pencil skirt
* skinny jeans etc
Whatever she wears always looks good dan cocok banget pastinya. Dan seperti yg udah pernah kita kasih tau ke kalian semua, all that we wear depend on how we mix and match them together. Jadi gak ada salahnya buat kalian untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru. So guys what do you think about her? Inspiring, isn't it? Kalo gitu, kalian semua bisa mencoba mencontoh gaya victoria beckham. 
So, try it guys ;D

Sunday, March 6, 2011

choose your hairstyle in the year of 2011 :)

hi friends, now we want to give you some interesting info about the newest hair mode of this year. Don't wanna miss it, do you? 
 jangan sampai kelewatan yaaa :)

 Okay, so now there is no reason for you not to show everthing in maximum and new in every occasion in 2011. fashion is in fact not about what you wear but also about all that you show to the world, and of course you also have to make changes to your hairstyle for this year so that you"ll look  fabulous and optimal. Jadi tidak ada salahnya untuk memilih salah satu bentuk model rambut 2011....................eitsssssssss but do not forget to adjust the shape of your face so you"ll look beautiful and wonderful instead becoming the victim of fashion itself. So, don't be afraid expressing your new apperance, okay? Try to do it guys ;)