Saturday, May 14, 2011

Movie about Fashion : The Clique Movie

Hello guys!! We think that all of you bored with our posting, cause it's almost the same everyday hehehe. But don't worry, cause today we're going to show you another different posting. And our new posting is about one of the example of movies that contains fashion. 
Yeah maybe thare are some of you who don't know about this movie. Although it isn't a new movie, but it's very good for you to be watched. Because there are so many styles in this movie that we can follow. 
First of all we would like to tell you a little about this movie. So, this teen movie follows the story of four seventh grade preteens who rule their exclusive New York Girl's School with their powerful clique known as The Pretty Comittee. Normally, their group of friend is extremely choosy about who they socialize with, but when frumpy classmate, Claire, their disgust eventually turns to sympathy , as some of them start to realize that it doesn't take a chick outfit to be a good friend.
Nah, biar kalian semua ga penasaran, we have the trailer of this movie guys. Check this out...

Penasaran kan siapa saja pemeran dari film ini? Nah, kami akan membahas pemeran film ini satu per satu. 

1. Elizabeth McLaughlin as Massie Block

She is the leader of the clique. She has great comebacks, enjoys creating word games to play with the girls including "Juicy sweaysuit, no punch backs,", likes expensive fashion and owns a black pug named Bean.

2. Ellen Marlow as Claire Lyons


A bright blue eyed blonde who relocates from Orlando, Florida to Westchester, New York. Her father went to college with Massie's father. Upon their arrival, Massie's parents offered their guest house to Claire and her family, much to Massie's dismay. She is immediately disliked by Massie mostly by the fact that she wears dorky clothes and invades her life.

3. Samantha Boscarino as Alicia Rivera


She is the clique's second in command . She is a sneaky as she is beautiful. She always wanted to start her own clique but was always stuck as beta. She is much prettier than the leader, which egnites envy in Massie.

4. Sophie Anna Everhard as Dylan Marvil


She is the daughter of Merri-Lee Marvil, host of the popular talk show The Daily Grind. Dylan gives the clique access to the celebrity and showbiz world. She is weight-concious partly because of pressure from her mother.

5. Bridgit Mendler as Kristen Gregory

She is an athletic girl who attends OCD on a scholarship (a secret only known by Claire Lyons). Both of her parents are extremely strict and not as rich as the parents of the other girl.

As we can see from the pictures above, they are very fashionable. Dari mulai atasan hingga sepatu, tampak terlihat sangat stylish. Mungkin kita hanya berpikir bahwa mungkin itu karna tuntutan akting saja, namun di balik itu semua, mereka pun tetap menjaga penampilannya walaupun tidak sedang berakting. Wanna be stylish like them guys ;) You can copy their styles :)))

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